
Women + Money

Women + Money is a digital toolkit for professionals working in the finance sector, aiming to increase women’s financial well-being and engagement with financial services.

The toolkit includes information and resources to increase engagement with women generally, as well as specific ways services can support a client who is experiencing family violence or financial abuse.

The relationship between money and gender is complex and affects women in different ways, depending on their lived experiences and the different structural barriers they encounter. Women + Money aims to help you create a welcoming space that will encourage women to use and trust your services.

The Women + Money toolkit has information and resources on:

  • The relationship between gender and money
  • Women’s experiences of the finance sector
  • Engaging more effectively with women
  • Increasing gender equity within your organisation
  • Understanding family violence and financial abuse
  • Real stories from women about their experiences
  • How to support a client experiencing family violence
  • Dealing with clients perpetrating financial abuse

Visit the Women + Money toolkit

Women + Money includes resources that you can use with your clients and links to other relevant information and organisations.


Going to financial institutions can be like going to the dentist. Sterile environments which you don’t want to spend time in for long. You feel as guilty for not keeping on top of your everyday, or lifelong, finances as you do when admitting to not flossing every day or not going to the dentist annually. However you put a fair amount of trust into the person you are seeing about personal concerns and they have the knowledge and skills in an industry you know little about.

When should I use this toolkit?

This toolkit can be used as a general resource for you, or your staff, to understand the different issues that may affect women’s relationship to money. This will allow you to build trust with your clients and recognise the social issues that may be contributing to their financial situation.

There are also some specific times that this toolkit may be useful, for example if a client discloses that they are experiencing family violence, including financial abuse. The toolkit will give you a practical guide on how you can best support clients in this situation, as well as other organisations you can refer them to.

About us

Women + Money is a project of WIRE Women’s Information.

WIRE provides information and support to organisations wishing to improve their practices, policies and procedures that support women. For more information get in touch with Women + Money Project Manager Georgie Proud.

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