Housing Insecurity
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Housing insecurity
Being forced to move from place to place or worrying about paying rent or mortgage are the indication of experiencing housing insecurity. Six dimensions of housing insecurity are: mobility, housing instability, lack of privacy (within the dwelling and between the dwelling and the outside), feeling unsafe (inside and outside the dwelling), lack of belonging and lack of physical comfort and a lack of control over one’s housing. These dimensions are not discrete, and several interact in complex ways to contribute to, and reinforce, housing insecurity.
At a systemic level the Council to Homeless Persons reports CHP-Housing-Insecurity-Index-September-2024.pdf on the index of housing insecurity including data on rent prices, the public housing waiting list, access to specialist homelessness services, housing stress, social housing stock and people being forced to share housing, living in smaller or more inappropriate properties, and compromising on location.
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